Oedipus Rex

英 [ˈiːdɪpəs reks] 美 [ˈedɪpəs reks]

网络  伊底帕斯王; 伊狄帕斯王; 俄底浦斯王; 俄狄浦斯王; 伊迪帕斯王



  1. ( Greek mythology) a tragic king who unknowingly killed his father and married his mother; the subject of the drama Oedipus Rex by Sophocles.
  2. Tragic Spirits from the Same Origin& On the Themes of Fate in Oedipus Rex and Thunderstorm
  3. The Artistic Charm of Oedipus Rex and Thunderstorm
  4. "Father" of "Oedipus Rex" image is obscure, but he condenses understanding and thinking of "father" prototype of mankind, and represents the cultural meaning of this image.
  5. "Oedipus Rex", is a story" killing the father and marrying the mother", and it causes mankind's thinking to the role of father.
  6. An Eternal Myth: Criticism, Interpretation and Reception of Sophocles 'Oedipus Rex
  7. Guilty or Innocent& My view the cause of the tragedy of Oedipus Rex
  8. This paper explores the background, destiny, and a long history of criticism, interpretation and reception of Sophocles 'Oedipus Rex.